Money Animals

You have a Money Phoenix

Death, rebirth, intensity, resilience—the mythical Money Phoenix lives their life in cycles of extremes that other Money Animals would find impossible. Their motto might be “it ain’t easy being green,” since they all march to the beat of their own unique drums. While they want to find true connection with others, they often find this incredibly difficult because they feel like they are too unique to ever really be truly understood. Money Phoenixes often can relate to the stereotypes around the eclectic (or even the tortured) artist, or the high-rolling, risk-tolerant chronic entrepreneur. Whether they gravitate to the creative or the business worlds, all are dreamers. Less confident Money Phoenixes will have a tendency to want someone else to believe in their dreams and to do the work of making those dreams turn into realities. As they become wiser and healthier emotionally and financially, the Money Phoenix begins to understand that they are the only one who can truly make their dreams come true.

Without the life skills to make those dreams happen, Money Phoenixes can try much too hard to prove their unique talents and value to non-believers. Anxious and insecure Money Phoenixes may even resort to buying a lifestyle to convince others of their magnificence by surrounding themselves with the extravagances they believe they are worthy of. If they can’t afford what they see as the best, they often refuse to accept the “average” or “mediocre” options, and live out a spartan lifestyle. This all or nothing mentality can plunge the intense and impassioned Money Phoenix into financial and/or emotional distress which can create a downward spiral. However, the Money Phoenix who has actually followed through and put in the hard work to take their dreams from fantasy to reality, will see that even the most talented and special person has to go through all the stages of growth… starting with being terrible at something, then being mediocre, and slowly, with sweat, blood and tears along the way, building the skills that their innate talents need to turn into real world accomplishments.

Since the accomplished Money Phoenix understands that they are both special and ordinary, they know that true wealth and success really is about the connections with the people you meet along the way. In order to achieve lasting peace and happiness, Money Phoenixes must learn to take charge of their own story through hard work and practice rather than waiting for a lucky break, so that when the stars do align, the Money Phoenix can be ready to unleash its true, fiery, unique potential.